Organizational changes include restructuring of the company, staff layoffs, merger, office relocation. They increase employees' stress level due to the increased workload, uncertainty, anxiety and rearrangement of working conditions. Organizational changes are, in a certain sense, critical events because they are beyond employees' control.
Program goal:
To help your organization to minimize the loss of productivity caused by impact of change to mental health of employees.
Program aims:
To minimize the impact of organizational changes on employees' productivity and safe behavior.
Services of "Corporate Health" in frame of the program:
Iinformation material about the nature of stress and ways of self-care
Consultations for employees
Consultations on stressed staff management for supervisors and HR managers
Staff layoffs are a particular type of organizational changes. In this case our services expand and include:
A brief guide to layoffs
A seminar on the release of blame for "layoff survivors"
Consultations for dismissed employees (upon requested)
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